Sunday, November 15, 2009


For halloween my neighborhood had a block party that consisted of each porch having a different kids activity. The goal was really to create a safe, family environment on halloween. Not many neighborhoods in Baltimore are safe to trick or treat in after dark, so we really were excited to give families a safe alternative. There was a zombie face painting station, pumpkin carving, and our station was a photo booth.

We painted a scary cemetery backdrop :

It was really interesting to see how the kids reacted to the camera. Depending on their age they were obviously more aware. We even had whole families dress up and participate. Below are some of the photographs that me and another Baltimore photographer, Andy Cook, took on halloween.

This was my first time really participating in a community art project and I just had a blast! The experience has really motivated me to volunteer and get more involved in the community. I can't wait for next years Hauntingdon!

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